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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Latest Garden Goodies

So FYI - I have officially not dropped off of the face of the earth! I've been busy - work, grocery runs, season premiers of TV shows...etc! I've been terrible about posting lately. But I thought I'd do a quick update that's maybe a week or two late but oh well! Here are some pictures of some of our latest picks from the garden. Things are drying up now, but we're still eating watermelon and tomatoes. And still have plenty of lettuce to chow on.

Here's one of our biggest tomatoes we've found - almost the size of Trent's head.

We also had some really juicy watermelon, albeit a bit seedy. We're still working on finishing the only two we had.

And here are our carrots. We haven't eaten them yet. They need peeled and cut. Because right now....they don't look so a-peel-ing. (Carrot pun for the win)

I'm not sure if we had any edible sweet corn. It didn't get very tall. Our backyard is being taken over by weeds right now, since we've had such a drought this summer...pretty much the only thing that's growing in the yard is weeds. 

Good news is fall has been showing up lately. The mornings and nights are cooler, and the leaves are starting to turn. I was starting to wonder since we reached the 90's just a week or two ago. I think they said on the news that our highest temp this summer was September 9th - the first time we reached 100 degrees this year. Needless to say, we had to turn the air back on. But typical of Midwest weather, we're back having the space heater on now.

Anywho, those are the latest photos I have from the garden veggies (and fruit). A little landscaping update: There's been very little of it going on. Trent likes to blame it on the heat and being too tired after work. And I need to be there for moral support. :) I'm hoping to have it done by the end of this month since the weather's nicer now. Crossing my fingers!

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