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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Flower Garden Seeds

Happy weekend, my friends. In case you didn't know, it's now officially SPRING! I've heard it's supposed to get a little colder again here, but lately it's been feeling much warmer and a little more like spring time. The grass is even starting to turn green! 

With the nice weather outside, we're slowly but surely starting to get into outdoor project mode. Pretty soon we'll be starting to clean up the yard, then till the garden, and finally plant our seeds. About a week ago we picked up some flower seeds and bulbs to start the garden. It will probably be another few weeks before we can start planting them, but I thought I'd pick some out so we can get started and get an idea of everything we're going to have.

I just picked them up at Wal-Mart in the garden section. If you don't know by now, we're going the more untraditional route and growing a lot of our own flowers for centerpieces at our wedding reception in August. I've gathered some tidbits here and there about flower gardening and have started planning out what kinds of flowers to look for.

I ended up getting about $30 worth of seeds and bulbs to start. I've never really planted flowers from seeds before, so I have no idea how many I will need. But I thought we'd start with this, and see how it goes from there. I got a pretty good mix of big, fuller flowers, and then the smaller fillers. I made sure to read the information on the packets to assure that they were mostly full sun, and bloomed in summer or late summer. I think all of these fit that description!

The seed packets I picked up were for the following flowers: Baby's Breath, Marigold "French Vanilla Hybrids", Marigold "Climax Hybrid Mix", Zinnias "Pink and Purple Mix", Zinnias "Envy", and Alyssum. Most were in the $1.50 - $2 range.

Then I also picked up a few bulbs - some Dahlias and Hollyhocks. These are a little pricier than the seed packets. The dahlias are actually called "tubers," like potatoes. I have no idea how far these packs of "3 bulbs" and "2 bulbs" will go - or how many flowers will bloom. I guess we'll see! I know that the dahlias will have to get in the ground soon, after the last frost (who knows when that will be or how I find that out!)...I've heard they take a long time to grow to maturity.

I'm really excited to start our "wedding flower garden". It will definitely be an adventure! Especially since we're kind of just starting with this flower gardening thing. Hope it all works out... ;)

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