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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Wooden "Just Married" Sign

So I know you are all anxious to see our Honeymoon pictures from Jamaica, but I thought that before I get into that post, I'd share a quick little project that I did just a few days before the wedding. My plan is to put together a post comprising of links to all of my wedding related posts, which will hopefully be a resource for anyone else who might be DIYing most of their wedding, or just looking for some inspiration.

One thing that was sort of unique about our wedding is that we, and some of the wedding party, took a little boat ride during that time in between the ceremony and reception. I wanted a special "Just Married" sign for the boat, and I thought a wooden sign would be perfect - we wouldn't have to worry about it getting wet like a paper or posterboard sign, and it kind of has a drift wood type of look to it.

I had a vision of some old board, or pallet boards nailed together, and white hand-painted letters with "Just Married" going across. This was so close to the wedding when these details were coming together though, that I ended up having to just buy a wooden plaque that was already put together and stained.

Here was the wooden sign I purchased before I painted it. I think it was from Michael's. I liked the stained look to it - it kind of looked a little rustic/weathered. And it was a nice smooth surface that I could paint letters on.

I started by free handing the letters with chalk. Then I was able to just fill in and clean up the letters with white craft paint.

Since it was just going to be seen for about an hour on the boat, I wasn't really worried about whether the paint was water-resistant. I just used acrylic.

I added a little heart in the bottom corner just because. And voila, I had our sign! Simple as that.

We attached twine to the back to tie onto the boat. I'm not sure if we even got any pictures of the sign attached to the boat, but hopefully the photographers got a shot of it. It was all kind of a whirlwind, and I know Trent and I didn't take any photos ourselves!

So that's our simple "Just Married" boat sign. One of the many DIY projects that went into our wedding. Hope to have a comprehensive "wedding link" post soon!

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